Welcome to the ABRHS class of 1998 internet directory. This page was created by Nathan Cooprider and is maintained by Ethan Sharrigan.
All people listed on this page will be sent email when major changes take place. A B
AKatie Ahrendt- email: ahrendt@email.unc.edu AIM screen name: blythe009 Jaime Allen - email: allenjl@eckerd.edu AIM screen name: Amesyst BVicki Balfour- email: vnbalfou@edisto.cofc.edu AIM screen name: Balfour V Lisa Balkus- email: lbalkus1@ic3.ithaca.edu AIM screen name: LAB0314 Dilek Barlow- email: dilekbarlow@yahoo.com Natasha Belliveau- email: nmbelliveau@hotmail.com AIM screen name: dancinqueen029 Brad Bennet- AIM Screen name: Brad1666 Eric Benson- AIM screen name: VonKaunitz Anna Berke- AIM screen name: banana3125 Gauri Bhardwaj- AIM screen name: GAURI13 Mike Blau-Shane- AIM screen name: QuinCunx00 Vanessa Bombardieri- email: vbombard@hotmail.com Robert Borges- email: robert_borges@yahoo.com AIM screen name: PepeLeBob ICQ: 28915732 Thanasi Bottos- AIM screen name: diablosv50 Kate Brannen- email: k8brannen@yahoo.com AIM screen name: K8obrpenn Kim Brown- email: Kabrown@vwc.edu AIM screen name: Kimba3480 Steve Bruckert- email: sadness@student.umass.edu AIM screen name: str1cken ICQ: 23921715 Dave Brusie- email: TheoHuxt@yahoo.com AIM screen name: TheoHuxt Meghan Buck- email: BuckTJM@aol.com AIM screen name: BuckTJM Hillary Butler- AIM screen name: Malaika240 CShauna Callahan- email: callsk2@wfu.edu AIM screen name: SKC98 Carolyn Campbell- email: carolyn.campbell@verizon.net AIM screen name: schmolyn Dan Chao- email: Daniel.Chao@umassmed.edu AIM screen name: dannis13 ICQ: 22429507 Mike Charnota- email: m-charnota@nwu.edu homepage: http://www.ultranet.com/~mike-tom/mike.htm AIM screen name: Geomar Nick Conte- email: nictrolis@hotmail.com AIM screen name: Nictrolis Nathan Cooprider- email: ndc23@email.byu.edu homepage: http://students.cs.byu.edu/~coop AIM screen name: Zorgum DMike D'Alessandro- email: MikeDA119@aol.com AIM screen name: MikeDA119 Tim Dalton- email: tdalton@student.umass.edu Whitney Davidson- AIM screen name: whitneyd06 Mark DiNitto- email: string@fiam.net Ben Diesl- AIM screen name: Diesl01 ICQ: 19962868 EFDana Farrill- email: DFarrill@icfconsulting.com Jeannine Feasel- email: feasel@ma.ultranet.com Randy Ford- AIM screen name: Fordo40 Pete Francis- email: pfranboston@aol.com AIM screen name: pfranboston GAndy Gibs- email: asgibs@yahoo.com AIM screen name: Asgibs Katy Giorgio- AIM screen name: kgiorgio MSN screen name: katygiorgio Yahoo screen name: txkaty Emily Glidden- email: eglidden@student.umass.edu Lauren Goldsmith- email: lbg@princeton.edu AIM screen name: lbg122179 Emily Goldstein- email: egoldste@zoo.uvm.edu AIM screen name: Emdog5 Dennis Grady- email: graddj02@student.umass.edu Nate Gregory- AIM screen name: VTbear237 Elizabeth Guzzo- email: e_guzzo@msn.com AIM screen name: gromit317 HAbby Hammer- email: ahammer@richmond.edu Jill Hancock- email: jillianhancock@hotmail.com Andrew Hatch- email: Hatch212@hotmail.com AIM screen name: Andrew2499 Lauren Hittner- AIM screen name: LaurzH11 Jackie Hirsch- AIM screen name: flydancr18 James Hodge- email: jamesjhodge@hotmail.com Grace Hollister - email: cherie48@hotmail.com Kris Homoleski- email: swimduck99@yahoo.com Amy Hong- email: honga@bc.edu IJFred Jasins- email: fredjasusa@hotmail.com AIM screen name: fredjusa15 KReid Kimball- email: brushbaron@hotmail.com homepage: http://www.rit.edu/~rbk9502 AIM screen name: Huckajar ICQ: 686926 Eileen Klein- email: eklein@education.ucsb.edu Tara Kumaraswami- email: Tara.Kumaraswami@umassmed.edu LKelly Langan- l AIM screen name: Kelizabeth02 J.P. Lavery- email: jype1113@yahoo.com Joe Levine- AIM screen name: Schlon51 Bronson Lingamfelter- email: BCLingamfelter@yahoo.com AIM screen name: Big lingy Joe Liu- email: josephliu@students.wisc.edu AIM screen name: Lewal 24 Sarah Lucas- AIM screen name: SarahL24 Bernadette Lynch- email: bernie0830@hotmail.com AIM screen name: bernie0830 MDebbie Mahachek- email: deblm@student.umass.edu Katie Mar- email: katiemar@uclink.berkeley.edu Bruce Maruska- email: stallrat@aol.com AIM screen name: stallrat Molly McCarthy - email: mols228@hotmail.com Elizabeth McCormick- AIM screen name: lizski19 Pat McCullough- homepage: https://members.tripod.com/~McCullough/ AIM screen name: patmcyo Lauren Mickol- email sillypixy@hotmail.com homepage: www.geocities.com/sunsetstrip/alley/9135 AIM screen name: sillypixy1 Fez Miller- AIM screen name: jodyreed Lily Miller- email: lem25@georgetown.edu Rachel Miras-Wilson- AIM screen name: Checklita Kerri Mitton- email: KMitton80@aol.com AIM screen name: KMitton80 Antoine Moiboueyi- AIM screen name: toine21 Carolyn Monahan- email: cmonahan@smcvt.edu AIM screen name: cemvt Brian Morgan- bmorgan2@glue.umd.edu Geoff Murray- email: geoffmurray@yahoo.com NHauke Neddermann- AIM screen name: neddermann Scott Newport- email: scottn@student.umass.edu Seth Newport- email: Newport@student.umass.edu Steve Newton- email: newtonst@kea.bc.edu AIM screen name: newtsbc George Njoroge- email: George.Njoroge@Sapphire.com AIM screen name: g33unit Stephanie Noone- email: stephnoone@hotmail.com OMatthew Olsen- email: matthew.t.olsen@m.cc.utah.edu AIM screen name: neslo ttam Elizabeth Olson- AIM screen name: wholeherd Robert Onorato- AIM screen name: ski0018 Caitlin O'Toole- email: caitlin_otoole@hotmail.com PBrian Papas- email: papasbri@uga.edu AIM screen name: DrPapas Jon Parenteau- email: parentje@yahoo.com AIM screen name: Rento1250 Aditya Parikh- email: parikh@HWS.EDU Emily Parrella- email: emilyparrella@hotmail.com Mindy Pereira- email: mpereira129@excite.com AIM screen name: LiLGirl005 Laura Pontoriero- email: laura.pontoriero@utoronto.ca AIM screen name: Laurita211 Kristina Prentiss- email: klprentiss1299@aol.com AIM screen name: kpren111 QRSharon Reynolds- email: Sharon1021@hotmail.com AIM screen name: Sar37 Felise Roe- email: fargirl@hotmail.com AIM screen name: felise roe ICQ: 36465335 Mea Rupley- email: mrupley@yahoo.com Tim Rush- email: timrush@hotmail.com Shannon Ryan- email: shannonrryan@hotmail.com SMeagan Schroder- email: meaganschroder@yahoo.com Laurie Scott- email: lauriescottms@yahoo.com AIM screen name: IrelandJerk Ethan Sharrigan- email: skeet_master@yahoo.com homepage: http://lilfett.tripod.com AIM screen name: LilFett Jason Shostak- email: jaynhc@aol.com AIM screen name: jayumass34 Josh Silverman- email: jhs65@columbia.edu AIM screen name: DaKingman Matt Siska- email: msiska@WPI.EDU Adam Steeves- email: ahs@mit.edu David Stone- email: stoned@colorado.edu AIM screen name: BiggD0069 TAnne Thomson- email: becominganne@yahoo.com Stephanie Towne- email: stephanielee63@hotmail.com UVLisa Vanderhoof- email: Season2sk8@aol.com AIM screen name: season2sk8 Beth VanEmburgh- email: beth116225@yahoo.com AIM screen name: cabbage16 WLisa Walfield- email: lwalfield@hotmail.com Beth Warner- email: eawarner5@msn.com Zack Warren- AIM screen name: Snatch 433 Erin Whelan- AIM screen name: whelan980 Jared Winick- email: jwinick@umich.edu Danielle Wolf- email: dwolf@454.com AIM screen name: DLWolfy Andrew Wood- email: awwood@zoo.uvm.edu AIM screen name: ski003 Elaine Wong- email: elainew@umich.edu AIM screen name: Hklawrence Andy Wright- AIM screen name: CaptOctane Jeff Wu- email: jeffmwu@yahoo.com Chris Wurster- AIM screen name: Gaptopher XYZAlisar Zahr- AIM screen name: alabar01 Rima Zahr- email: rzahr@zoo.uvm.edu AIM screen name: frogchic02 Links |