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This is my page of stuff that needs to be shared with the rest of the world but doesn't really fit into the other sections of my webpage or life for that matter. This page originally started as just the Thundercats sounds and a bad logo. Now I have a picture (kind of) and a new bad logo.

Thundercats Outtakes

I have no idea where these came from or if they're totally real. I know some of them have been doctored up a little but for the most part, as much as I wouldn't like to believe it, these are the Thundercats using they're pottymouths. By Thundera!

Liono puts Snarf in his place.
Liono gets fed up with some wordy dialogue.
Snarf gets in the way of Liono's dialogue again.
Oh look! They're also dirty old men!
Panthro (my fave) has had it with hippies, rock and roll, and sommel-flanges.
Snarf has a cold. Awww.
Mumm-Ra wants woman love.
The big one - All the Thundercats in what sounds like some kind of arguement after too many ThunderBrews. Fan Favorite! :)

Dear Frank...

Frank is (was - he transferred out Spring '00) a character here at SCAD. He's a bodybuilding addict and also a big Arnold fan. He used to hang out in my room a lot my first year at SCAD. We hit it off talking about Arnold who is one of his personal heroes and also a watchful spirit that guides him in the gym (he's been known to converse with Arnold, or just yell at him, while working out.)

One of Franks other talents was his gift for advice and skill with words. Frank would compile this advice into a notebook every night to share with future Franks in ... the future. Well anyways, to get a good idea of Frank's writing style, here is a document from him to Glenn Danzig, expressing his distaste for Glenn's latest "Danzig V" album. Enjoy!